Thanks, that's what I'm looking for.

Mike, sure I wouldn't mind schema ideas.

On Thu, May 9, 2013 at 10:56 PM, staticsafe <> wrote:
> On 5/9/2013 22:52, shawn wilson wrote:
>> In this log line, what is -EDC? I've also noticed +, -, -E, and -ED
>> but I have no Idea what they are (called/represent).
>> 08-May-2013 08:04:49.751 client (
>> query: IN AAAA -EDC (
>> Also, I'm writing a parser and we're only loging 'queries' but if
>> someone has examples / schemas for the other categories, I'd like to
>> integrate that.
> "+EDC on a query indicates that it is:
> - Recursive (+) - it has come from a client or a server that is
> forwarding queries to your server
> - The sender is using EDNS0 (using larger UDP packet sizes and
> signalling the size that can be accepted)
> - The sender understands DNSSEC (D) - this is a request to your server
> to include any DNSSEC material associated with answer in the query reply.
> - DNSSEC validation checking is disabled (C) - the sender wants the
> answer anyway, even if the validation checks fail."
> Source -
> Also see for further
> documentation.
> --
> staticsafe
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