
I was wondering if anyone had any experience with dealing with open resolvers 
as a web hoster? We currently have some 40,000 ip's that respond to DNS in our 
AS, the majority of which are not "open" but do reply with a referral to the 
root zones. We've been sending emails to our clients but as the servers are not 
managed by us, there's not much we can do at that level.

Recently we've seen a large increase in the number and volume of DNS 
amplification DDOS's that are being reflected off of our AS. Just today we've 
seen at least 6 different attacks with between 4 and 10gbps leaving our AS each 
time. It's not really causing us issues at the moment because we have the 
capacity, but I'd hate to be on the receiving side. (and indeed, have been on 
the receiving side in the past, so I know how much it can suck)

Has anyone ever tried mitigating/rate-limiting/etc these attacks in the network 
before? (vs at the server/application level)

We have an Arbor peakflow device, but it's not really geared for this scenario 
I find. It will detect the outgoing attack via the flows, but all we can really 
do is null-route the victims ip in our AS. Ideally we would need a way to 
rate-limit DNS packets based on source ip. Maybe a linux box that handles 
dropping packets from the same source-ip over 1000/sec with some policy-based 
routing sending the DNS traffic to it? Does such a box exist already?

If anyone has any ideas or suggestions, then by all means! There must be a 
better way to do this, and I'd really like to avoid re-inventing the wheel if 
it's been invented already. :)


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