
Cross-posting this over to the WISPA list to see if there are any Wireless
ISPs over there that can help you.

On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 1:28 PM, Aaron C. de Bruyn <aa...@heyaaron.com>wrote:

> I just had a client drop an interesting requirement on me.
> They are on Andros Island (Bahamas) for about a year.  I'm working on
> getting an exact address from the adminisphere above me, but all I've been
> told so far is they are 'near the naval base'.
> They just called and said "We need internet access yesterday".
> None of the people on-site are technical, and all their data is accessed
> via RDP on a server in the United States.
> Having never been there, I have no idea if it's like downtown San Francisco
> where the internet grows on trees, or if it's like the Sahara desert which
> might require dragging your own fiber in on camelback...
> Does anyone have pointers on who to talk to or how I can get them internet
> access?
> -A

Mike Lyon


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