Thanks for all the hard work getting IPv6 deployed! I signed my company up for the trials. Can't wait to test it out :).

I agree, I wish Verizon would wake up and announce something. It's pretty sad that their IPv6 support page still says 3Q12 and they've yet to say any more about their plans. I'm currently using a Hurricane Electric tunnel, which has worked well, but I'd love to have native IPv6 on my home FiOS connection.

On 4/29/2013 10:06 PM, Christopher Morrow wrote:
On Mon, Apr 29, 2013 at 6:38 PM, Brzozowski, John <> wrote:

FYI for folks that are interested:

hurray! how long until VZ puts out a PR note for Fios Business customers?
come on folks, let's cheer them on! (seriously, someone cheer on John...
but if we cheer some for vz maybe they'll also awake from their long
slumber and start deploying v6 to business and later consumer Fios?)

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