On 4/29/2013 12:40 PM, Owen DeLong wrote:

What does the CGN cost you per subscriber (equipment, additional staff, etc.?)

In my case, very little. Equipment was covered by bandwidth usage which mandated upgrading to higher end routers that support more than I need. It looks like my trios handle NAT with their logical services, though I haven't checked on if it will hit me for licensing. A services blade wouldn't be that bad for our load levels, though. Our front line support have brains and use them. We have a fair margin to play in for additional support time without adding new personnel. It was more costly dealing with people being sick, on vacation, taking lunch, etc.

Of course, we maintain 8 people in the helpdesk for only 30k residential. Scale does matter. I just happen to be in what I'd consider a sweet spot. I'm just over the point where I had to dish out money for an upgrade that will likely last me 10+ years minus EOL/software/technology issues but was cost factored for the standard 5 years.

If the existing cards handle CGN without additional licensing, then the only real cost is personal, my sanity, and the company need/will not factor that in.


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