In message <>, Jima writes:
> On 2013-04-26 23:08, shawn wilson wrote:
> > There's ways around it for most software but old jetdirect stuff,
> > switches, routers, ip control systems. Things are going to be 6to4 for a
> > while. In fact I won't be surprised to see little hardware boxes that do
> > it for $30 or so (probably late with this idea but have no need to know).
>   I hope you mean NAT64; 6to4 is, at best, iffy to support.  I do like 
> the $30 hardware device idea, though -- I haven't seen anything like 
> that yet.

I saw adds for such a device a couple of years ago.
>   The majority of what I think of when you say "control systems" 
> shouldn't be directly connected to the internet anyway, even with ACLs 
> -- or so I gleaned from the nice folks from DHS. ;-)
>       Jima
Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
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