On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 03:12:46PM +0900, Randy Bush wrote: > skype seems to have made the latest 6.x incompatible with 2.8 (which > folk who care about screen real estate run) in that video no longer > works between them. > > until widespread availability of webrtc, a bunch of us are using > jitsi for video, https://jitsi.org/ > o uses open standard protocols > o free, open source, apple pie, ... > o supports opus codec which has really good performance across a > wide range of bandwidth http://www.opus-codec.org/comparison/ > o multi-participant video on xmpp-based videobridge, also open > source > o does xmpp, sip, aim, icq, yahoo, ...
And last I tried it, it kept segfaulting on something dumb ;) Nice to see it supports opus though. And I really wish the FOSS software in this space didn't suck so much. > i have an ejabberd+videobridge up if folk want test/use accounts. > and it's easy to put up your own, of course. > > and while you are looking at escaping other big company servers, > check out http://labs.bittorrent.com/experiments/sync.html, real > peer to peer dropbox. Since you've already done the legwork on that, maybe share some comments so people can see how they could do it in their own env? -J