We have same problem.  Cogent noc says use another provider, Comcast will not 
upgrade unless they pay for the traffic b/c they send more then they take in.  
I attach Ren Provo for official statement.


> Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2013 22:35:27 -0700
> Subject: Comcast NOC - issues to/from AS13331 (Seattle)
> From: mlof...@wgops.com
> To: nanog@nanog.org
> Comcast doesn't appear to have any usable NOC contacts via whois, and
> this issue is apparently very widespread.  Comcast obviously has
> multiple saturated paths out in this area, so if you're seeing issues
> getting to your customers on Comcast...well, it's probably Comcast.
> Sort of an ongoing/me too on last months thread about same...
> Outbound traffic to Comcast via basically any of our (AS13331)
> upstreams except Spectrum (AS11404) is experiencing very high packet
> loss once inside Comcast's network, we suspect a router or link very
> near to us in Seattle is failing.  I've marked out the destination
> customer IPs but they're available to Comcast engineers if they get in
> touch with me directly or as n...@metapeer.com -- TIA  -- and again,
> sorry to the list.
> Below are three failing/high loss traces, and then same three traces
> from our other DC which is routing out via spectrum.  The loss is
> present on Cogent and L3 outgoing paths at the least, maybe others.
> As of now I've routed around the problem point for via the good path.
> fission:~# mtr -s 900 --report --report-cycles 30
> fission.myfreecams.com            Snt: 30    Loss%  Last   Avg  Best  Wrst 
> StDev
> ve75-gw1-xmr.metapeer.com                     0.0%   0.4   1.4   0.3  11.8   
> 2.9
> te0-7-0-15.ccr21.sea02.atlas.cogentco.com     0.0%   0.9   0.6   0.5   0.9   
> 0.1
> te-0-5-0-3-pe03.seattle.wa.ibone.comcast.net  6.7%  43.7  42.3  38.8  43.7   
> 1.4
> be-13-cr01.seattle.wa.ibone.comcast.net       3.3%  47.7  44.6  41.3  47.7   
> 1.8
> pos-0-7-0-0-cr01.denver.co.ibone.comcast.net  3.3%  69.4  68.7  65.0  71.3   
> 1.5
> he-5-15-0-0-cr01.350ecermak.il.ibone.comcast  6.7%  92.6  97.3  91.4 102.0   
> 3.8
> he-3-15-0-0-ar01.woburn.ma.boston.comcast.ne 10.0% 120.3 119.8 116.3 122.0   
> 1.8
> pos-0-1-0-0-ar01.needham.ma.boston.comcast.n  0.0% 122.0 120.5 117.1 123.9   
> 1.8
> po-80-ur01.deering.nh.boston.comcast.net      0.0% 121.4 121.3 118.3 133.8   
> 2.8
> po-21-ur01.concord.nh.boston.comcast.net      6.7% 119.6 130.1 119.3 272.8  
> 31.8
> te-1-0-0-ten01.concord.nh.boston.comcast.net  6.7% 118.7 120.0 117.6 121.4   
> 1.3
> ???                                          100.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   
> 0.0
> You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root
> fission:~# mtr -s 900 --report --report-cycles 30
> fission.myfreecams.com            Snt: 30    Loss%  Last   Avg  Best  Wrst 
> StDev
> ve75-gw1-xmr.metapeer.com                     0.0%   0.3   0.6   0.3   5.2   
> 0.9
> te0-7-0-15.ccr21.sea02.atlas.cogentco.com     0.0%   0.8   0.6   0.5   0.8   
> 0.1
> te-0-5-0-3-pe03.seattle.wa.ibone.comcast.net  0.0%  41.4  42.6  38.5  43.8   
> 1.3
> be-13-cr01.seattle.wa.ibone.comcast.net       0.0%  45.6  44.1  40.4  46.7   
> 1.8
> pos-0-8-0-0-cr01.denver.co.ibone.comcast.net  6.7%  71.2  69.0  65.0  72.1   
> 1.9
> he-5-12-0-0-cr01.350ecermak.il.ibone.comcast  3.3%  98.1  96.3  86.4 101.2   
> 3.9
> he-0-15-0-0-ar01.pontiac.mi.michigan.comcast 10.0%  93.5  97.3  93.5 100.6   
> 2.3
> xe-11-0-0-0-sur01.rochestrhlls.mi.michigan.c  0.0%  97.2  99.1  92.9 141.8  
> 10.4
> te-17-10-cdn05.rochestrhlls.mi.michigan.comc  3.3% 118.9 113.2 104.6 118.9   
> 3.5
> ???                                          100.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   
> 0.0
> fission:~# mtr -s 900 --report --report-cycles 30 a.b.c.d
> fission.myfreecams.com            Snt: 30    Loss%  Last   Avg  Best  Wrst 
> StDev
> ve75-gw1-xmr.metapeer.com                     0.0%   0.3   2.1   0.3  47.1   
> 8.6
> te0-7-0-15.ccr21.sea02.atlas.cogentco.com     0.0%   0.7   0.6   0.5   0.8   
> 0.1
> te-0-5-0-3-pe03.seattle.wa.ibone.comcast.net  6.7%  40.6  42.4  39.7  45.2   
> 1.3
> be-15-cr01.seattle.wa.ibone.comcast.net       0.0%  47.3  48.2  41.3  54.8   
> 4.3
>                                   3.3%  43.7  45.5  39.5 101.7  
> 11.6
> be-18-ur06.bellevue.wa.seattle.comcast.net    0.0%  43.8  43.0  40.2  44.3   
> 1.4
> te-3-0-0-ten15.bellevue.wa.seattle.comcast.n  6.7%  42.7  44.1  42.1  45.7   
> 1.1
> ???                                          100.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   
> 0.0
> mloftis@phobos:~$ mtr -s 900 --report --report-wide --report-cycles 30
> HOST: phobos                                           Loss%   Snt
> Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
>   1.                                      0.0%    30
> 0.4   5.1   0.3 132.4  24.1
>   2. agg1-sea-t7-8.bb.spectrumnet.us                   0.0%    30
> 1.5  14.0   1.5 206.4  39.8
>   3.                                      0.0%    30
> 1.8   2.0   1.7   3.5   0.3
>   4. be-17-cr01.seattle.wa.ibone.comcast.net           0.0%    30
> 12.6   5.3   2.1  12.6   2.7
>   5. pos-0-4-0-0-cr01.denver.co.ibone.comcast.net      0.0%    30
> 28.5  29.2  27.2  31.4   1.3
>   6. he-5-12-0-0-cr01.350ecermak.il.ibone.comcast.net  0.0%    30
> 49.9  52.2  49.9  56.7   2.8
>   7. he-3-5-0-0-ar01.woburn.ma.boston.comcast.net      0.0%    30
> 78.5  79.5  78.3  81.0   1.0
>   8. pos-1-12-0-0-ar01.needham.ma.boston.comcast.net   0.0%    30
> 80.2  80.1  78.2  81.7   1.1
>   9. po-80-ur01.deering.nh.boston.comcast.net          0.0%    30
> 80.0  80.1  79.9  80.4   0.1
>  10. po-21-ur01.concord.nh.boston.comcast.net          0.0%    30
> 80.7  85.1  80.7 199.3  21.6
>  11. te-1-0-0-ten01.concord.nh.boston.comcast.net      0.0%    30
> 80.5  80.5  80.5  80.7   0.0
>  12. ???                                              100.0    30
> 0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0
> mloftis@phobos:~$ mtr -s 900 --report --report-wide --report-cycles 30
> HOST: phobos                                                 Loss%
> Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
>   1.                                            0.0%
> 30    0.3   3.6   0.3  96.3  17.5
>   2. agg1-sea-t7-8.bb.spectrumnet.us                         0.0%
> 30   10.2  10.4   1.5  58.5  15.1
>   3.                                            0.0%
> 30    2.4   2.0   1.8   2.4   0.1
>   4. be-14-cr01.seattle.wa.ibone.comcast.net                 0.0%
> 30    3.6   4.4   1.7  10.6   2.4
>   5. pos-0-3-0-0-cr01.denver.co.ibone.comcast.net            0.0%
> 30   31.1  29.5  27.2  31.6   1.3
>   6. he-5-12-0-0-cr01.350ecermak.il.ibone.comcast.net        0.0%
> 30   52.3  55.4  50.3  61.5   3.6
>   7. he-0-14-0-0-ar01.pontiac.mi.michigan.comcast.net        0.0%
> 30   58.9  58.0  56.1  60.1   1.2
>   8. xe-11-0-0-0-sur01.rochestrhlls.mi.michigan.comcast.net  0.0%
> 30   71.2  58.9  56.6  83.6   6.4
>   9. te-17-10-cdn05.rochestrhlls.mi.michigan.comcast.net     0.0%
> 30   71.2  72.6  67.6  78.0   3.2
>  10. ???                                                    100.0
> 30    0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0
> mloftis@phobos:~$ mtr -s 900 --report --report-wide --report-cycles 30 a.b.c.d
> HOST: phobos                                         Loss%   Snt
> Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
>   1.                                    0.0%    30    0.7
>   5.1   0.3 143.4  26.1
>   2. agg1-sea-t7-8.bb.spectrumnet.us                 0.0%    30    1.5
>   3.1   1.5  30.1   5.6
>   3.                                    0.0%    30    1.9
>   2.0   1.9   2.2   0.1
>   4. be-12-cr01.seattle.wa.ibone.comcast.net         0.0%    30    6.9
>   5.1   1.7  12.3   3.1
>   5.                                     0.0%    30    1.8
>   2.4   1.8  17.3   2.8
>   6. be-18-ur06.bellevue.wa.seattle.comcast.net      0.0%    30    3.5
>   3.4   3.3   3.5   0.1
>   7. te-3-0-0-ten15.bellevue.wa.seattle.comcast.net  0.0%    30    3.3
>   3.2   3.2   3.4   0.0
>   8. ???                                            100.0    30    0.0
>   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0
> mloftis@phobos:~$
> --
> "Genius might be described as a supreme capacity for getting its possessors
> into trouble of all kinds."
> -- Samuel Butler

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