The Internet already have a problem with "one of everything" where a single
provider is much more popular than the other ones. Amazon, Google,  Reddit,
Wikipedia...    The 2th cooperative encyclopedia editing website is much
less popular than Wikipedia.

This is not a good thing, is a bad thing since we are at the infancy of
everything, there are a million things to try, learn, invent and explore.
The average user visit the same 4 websites again and again every day..  not
knowing the next door has something cool to offer, and really need

What is the problem that people is trying to solve here? is this the
correct place to solve it?,  If is a usability problem in the browser,
maybe the solution is more how browsers are build and how to function.
Maybe browsers creators need to be more creative!.  Maybe the current
browser implementation and UI standards are shit.
Do we need a internet-wide solution?,  maybe just making the protocol
"search://"  redirect to a default search engine passing the term will
solve the same problem (   search://tabacco  => )

ℱin del ℳensaje.

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