
On Apr 4, 2013, at 5:35 PM, Brandon Butterworth <> wrote:
>> You do realize this requires changing validating resolver
>> configuration data, right?
> Yes. How hard can it be (answer not required).
> While it's quaint that the elders of the internet meet and bless each
> new key I don't think this scales.

The point of the wildly over-engineered root key signing ceremony is to build 
trust by publicly demonstrating at every step there is no opportunity for 
intentional or accidental badness to occur without being noticed.  Compare this 
to the processes used by commercial X.509CAs when they roll their root keys 
(you might also want to look at how often they roll their keys).

> I know it's not easy but it needs to be simple and automatic for wide 
> deployment.

Even with RFC 5011 support in every validating resolver on the planet (not 
holding my breath), this requires all of those validating resolvers to accept a 
directive from the "outside" which instructs software to write something to 
permanent storage.  I can easily imagine some folks being a bit nervous about 
this. Particularly given it would seem some CPE developers can't figure out how 
to write DNS resolvers that can be configured to not respond to arbitrary 
external queries.

Frequency of root key rolling is actually a fairly complicated risk/benefit 
tradeoff. Frequently rolling means its more likely that the roll will be 
successful globally. However, it also increases the risk of (a) breaking DNS 
resolution for some percentage of the Internet and (b) catastrophically failing 
such that RFC 5011-style rollover will no longer work necessitating a manual 
reconfiguration of every validating resolver on the Internet. "Choose wisely".

In any event, if you haven't already I would encourage you to provide comments 
at the URL Joe referenced.


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