This was in reply to a posting that brought up the possible usage of a
Thermal Lance. 

On 4/1/13 9:55 AM, "Bill Woodcock" <> wrote:

>On Mar 28, 2013, at 2:17 PM, Warren Bailey
><> wrote:
>> - Welding Gear is expensive, underwater gear is insanely expensive.
>> - Welding is pretty difficult..
>> - Underwater welding requires knowledge of SCUBA *AND* welding
>>techniques under water.
>> ...going after a specific cable with a welder sounds like someone had a
>>real reason. 
>> ...the fact that they were using a welder, underwater, on a 15kV -48VDC
>>fiber optic plant
>I think I missed a step here.  Where is the reference to the welding
>equipment coming from?
>The photos show three scuba tanks and a float.  I don't see any mention
>of welding equipment in the NYT or Guardian pieces, or in the Egyptian
>Navy's statement or photos.
>                                -Bill

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