On 2013-03-27, at 14:52, Jared Mauch <ja...@puck.nether.net> wrote:

> I am very concerned about examples such as this possibly being implemented by 
> a well intentioned sysadmin or neteng type without understanding their query 
> load and patterns.  bind with the rrl patch does log when things are 
> happening.  While the data is possible to extract from iptables, IMHO it's 
> not quite as easy to audit as a syslog.

For an authoritative-only server, people can expect coarse rate-limits such as 
those quoted earlier with iptables to give false positives and to reject 
legitimate queries. RRL is far safer.

For a recursive server, I agree you need a much better understanding of your 
traffic patterns before you try something like the iptables example. Dropping 
queries from your own clients' stub resolvers has an immediate support cost. 
You *really* don't want false positives, there.


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