On 3/20/13 11:30 AM, Mike wrote: > > > I appreciate everyones comments on this issue but I think you > nay-sayers are going to lose. I think the future of the internet is > distributed routing where the end points ultimately decide how their > packets flow. I think joe 6-pack should in fact be able to be connected > to as many providers as he wants, should be able to specify any mixture > of connections from consumer dsl to carrier ethernet or beyond, and have > the same level of service as multi-homed bgp speaking networks do today > in terms of route diversity, fail-over and 'portability' (in terms of > bringing your netblocks to another provider). Not a troll, just looking > at the future here. >
Why did I just suddenly have a flashback to this? https://www.nanog.org/mailinglist/mailarchives/old_archive/2003-10/msg01440.html -- Brielle Bruns The Summit Open Source Development Group http://www.sosdg.org / http://www.ahbl.org