> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jean-Francois Mezei [mailto:jfmezei_na...@vaxination.ca]
> Sent: Friday, March 15, 2013 10:20 AM
> To: nanog@nanog.org
> Subject: Re: What do you have in your datacenters' toolbox?
> On 13-03-15 08:46, George, Wes wrote:
> > [WEG] The rule of thumb for most places I've worked has been that
> > power screwdrivers are only acceptable for *removing* screws, at least
> > where the electronic contents of a datacenter are concerned.
> I can see the need for speed & efficiency when actually building a data centre
> of the scope Google builds with thousands of servers, racks everywhere etc.
> During the assembly stage, you probably want expensive power
> screwdrivers to not only save time, but also achieve the right
> torque/tightness. And you would need many of them since you'd have many
> people assembling racks and mounting equipment on them.
> However, in a day-to-day operation at an established data centre, do you
> really need a power screwdriver ? You need to worry about mounting it on a
> wall near a plug so it is always available/charged.
> However, having a powered drill somwehere in the building is, of course, a
> good thing.
I have a power screwdriver I use for both in and out. Otoh for screwing things 
in I always have it on the lowest torque-clutch setting. If that won't get it 
how I like it I use the manual screwdriver.

Eric Esslinger
Information Services Manager - Fayetteville Public Utilities
(931)433-1522 ext 165

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