I'd also be very interested in what's out there.  I have similar grievances 
with InterMapper, but at this point, it sucks far less than anything else I've 

I just poked around NetBrain's site and am immediately deterred by it's 
reliance on a Windows backend, so that's out for me.  I did use OpenNMS for a 
while before switching to InterMapper, but ONMS's discovery/mapping was very 
broken at the time, it was a PITA to set up and manage and I don't know if it's 
gotten much getter in the last couple of years since.

I've tried things like ManageEngine, but it's far too bloated and complex for 
what I need.

On 2013-03-08, at 11:38 AM, Ben Bartsch <uwcable...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all:
> I'm looking for information anyone might have comparing Intermapper to
> NetBrain for NMS.  Stuff like devices up/down, interface utilization,
> building maps for documentation, etc.  IMO, Intermapper works great, when
> it works.  Tech support has been slow and often cannot fix the problems,
> not to mention they release updates about once every other week.
> Anyone familiar with any similar products?  We are presently evaluating
> NetBrain and it seems really nice.  We really like the Visio-like aspect of
> it.
> Thanks!
> -Ben

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