On Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 06:12:41PM -0500, Brian Reichert wrote:
> The spec for a URL also calls out what constitutes a hostname, and
> I've yet to see a HTTP client that trips over a rooted domain name.

Well, RFC 3986 (URI) explicitly allows the final dot.  See the section
on reg-name in section 3.2.2.  Sometimes this RFC is used as one of
the example sowers-of-confusion, because despite the fact that the
relevant section is talking about DNS domain names, the name of the
segment of the URI is called "host", and hostnames don't have a
trailing dot.

It's no wonder people who merely have to implement this stuff are
confused, when the stnadards development organization in question
can't figure out how the terminology works!


Andrew Sullivan

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