Ah, you said rib.  Did look at the code a bit more.
It looks like there is a "dump routes" command.  Might
try that. 

Here it says "birdc" can do some stuff...

dump resources|sockets|interfaces|neighbors|attributes|routes|protocols


show route [[for] prefix|IP] [table sym] [filter f|where c]
[(export|preexport) p] [protocol p] [options]


On 2/22/13 12:56 AM, John Kemp wrote:
> Uh,
> I'm looking at this in the source below in sysdep/unix/log.c
> and it looks like it is there.  I assume you want "mrtdump protocols
> messages"
> The manual for Global options it says this:
> mrtdump "filename"
> Set MRTdump file name. This option must be specified to allow MRTdump
> feature. Default: no dump file.
> mrtdump protocols all|off|{ states, messages }
> Set global defaults of MRTdump options. See mrtdump in the following
> section. Default: off.
> /jgk
>>    359 void
>>     360 mrt_dump_message(struct proto *p, u16 type, u16 subtype, byte
>> *buf, u32 len)
>>     361 {
>>     362   /* Prepare header */
>>     363   put_u32(buf+0, now_real);
>>     364   put_u16(buf+4, type);
>>     365   put_u16(buf+6, subtype);
>>     366   put_u32(buf+8, len - MRTDUMP_HDR_LENGTH);
>>     367
>>     368   if (p->cf->global->mrtdump_file != -1)
>>     369     write(p->cf->global->mrtdump_file, buf, len);
>>     370 }
> On 2/21/13 5:18 PM, Eiichiro Watanabe wrote:
>> bird supposedly doesn't support rib dumps at this time.
>> Randy Bush wrote (2013/02/22 7:11):
>>> a friend trying to see if bird will be better than quagga for bgp
>>> recording can not see how to get rib dumps, as opposed to just updates.
>>> what are we missing?
>>> randy

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