Hi David,

I don't know "what exactly 'managed DNS' is" too, but Amazon
Route53<http://aws.amazon.com/route53/>is very reliable (but not cost
effective) AFAIK. Rackspace also have "Free
Cloud-Based DNS Management <http://www.rackspace.com/cloud/dns/>", but I've
never used it. You can find more information about "Free Secondary
DNS" here<http://www.frankb.us/dns/>


On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 6:29 PM, Jeffrey Negro <jne...@advance.net> wrote:

> Hi David - We use DynDNS at my company, and we're very happy with it.
>  I've also used DNSMadeEasy at previous companies and found them to be rock
> solid and very affordable.  I think about two years or so ago, they
> survived a full on botnet DDoS attack with no service outage - which my
> monitoring at the time confirmed as well.
> Hope that helps!
> --Jeffrey
> On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 5:58 PM, David Hubbard <
> dhubb...@dino.hostasaurus.com> wrote:
> > Hi all, anyone have suggestions for very stable/reliable managed DNS?
> > Neustar/UltraDNS is an obvious option to look at, just curious about
> > alternatives.  Cost effective would be nice, but stable under attack
> > is better.
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