Not based of IRR =D

    Foundry CER2K

    12111 BGP

  Number of Neighbors Configured: 7, UP: 5
  Number of Routes Installed: 22866, Uses 1966476 bytes
  Number of Routes Advertising to All Neighbors: 53961 (41844 entries),
Uses 2008512 bytes
  Number of Attribute Entries Installed: 22746, Uses 2047140 bytes

  Number of Neighbors Configured: 6, UP: 5
  Number of Routes Installed: 40326, Uses 3468036 bytes
  Number of Routes Advertising to All Neighbors: 34987 (34987 entries),
Uses 1679376 bytes
  Number of Attribute Entries Installed: 31290, Uses 2816100 bytes

Alain Hebert                         
PubNIX Inc.        
50 boul. St-Charles
P.O. Box 26770     Beaconsfield, Quebec     H9W 6G7
Tel: 514-990-5911    Fax: 514-990-9443

On 02/14/13 08:19, fredrik danerklint wrote:
>>> Can I know how many ipv6 full bgp table routes now?
>> Right now there are about 15k routes.
> 8k when you filter based on IRR.

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