----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jean-Francois Mezei" <jfmezei_na...@vaxination.ca>

> On 13-01-29 19:39, Jay Ashworth wrote:
> > It rings true to me, in general, and I would go that way... but
> > there is
> > a sting in that tail: Can I reasonably expect that Road Runner will
> > in fact
> > be technically equipped and inclined to meet me to get my residents
> > as
> > subscribers? Especially if they're already built HFC in much to all
> > of
> > my municipality?
> I do not have numbers, but based on what I have read. municipal
> deployments have occured in cases where incumbents were not interested
> in providing modern internet access.
> What may happen is that once they see the minucipality building FTTH,
> they may suddently develop an interest in that city and deploy HFC and
> or DSL and then sue the city for reason X.

Well, this is a place where Road Runner already *being* built in HFC
is a *feature* to me; I'm not going to yank their franchise agreement.  

> The normal behaviour should be: "we'll gladly connect to the municipal
> system".

Are there any US examples of that actually happening?

> A good layer 2 deployment can support DHCP or PPPoE and thus be
> compatible with incumbents infrastructure. However, a good layer2
> deployment won't have "RFoG" support and will prefer IPTV over the data
> channel (the australian model supports multicast). So cable companies
> without IPTV services may be at a disadvantage.

I think this depends on what handoffs my TE can provide at the customer

> In Canada, Rogers (cableco) has announced that they plan to go all
> IPTV instead of conventional TV channels.

Well, the MythTV people will be happy to hear that.

Or they would, if the content people would quit holding a gun to the 
heads of the transport people.

-- jra
Jay R. Ashworth                  Baylink                       j...@baylink.com
Designer                     The Things I Think                       RFC 2100
Ashworth & Associates     http://baylink.pitas.com         2000 Land Rover DII
St Petersburg FL USA               #natog                      +1 727 647 1274

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