
Network visibility wasn't mentioned as a requirement, but it is worth
considering since the ToR switches are the best place monitor server
network I/O, tunneled traffic (VxLAN, GRE etc), storage (iSCSI, FCoE,
HDFS etc).
The Nexus 5548 switch does not include monitoring (i.e. no
NetFlow/sFlow). The Nexus 3048, along with all the other 10G ToR
switches so far mentioned on this thread, supports sFlow and provides
wire speed 10G/40G monitoring.

The following article provides additional background:


On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 7:15 AM, Steven Fischer <> wrote:
> although everyone here seems to hold Cisco in contempt, the Nexux 5548 is a
> rock-solid switch - at least that has been my experience with it.
> On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 6:27 AM, Piotr <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I looking some 10G switches, it should work as TOR or core in DC. It
>> should have more than 40 port 10G in one unit, wirespeed L2 L3, with
>> virtual routers and some other ip functions like some BGP, OSPF, policy
>> routing, 1-2U, MLAG, g.8032 (ERPS) trill-like ?
>> Other important features are  big port buffers ( something similar to
>> Juniper EX8200 - 512 MB per slot), defined counters accessible via snmp
>> (like in junos), L3 statistics  accessible via snmp
>> Extreme 670 looks good but they have small port buffers. It can be also
>> some small chassis with line cards but the cost per 10G ports is too big..
>> What vendor, model You prefer or suggest as a solution ?
>> thanks for help
>> best,
>> Peter
> --
> To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his
> glorious presence without fault and with great joy

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