On 1/27/13 9:01 AM, Harald Koch wrote:
On 26 January 2013 17:38, Mark Andrews <ma...@isc.org> wrote:
As for "breaking" your LAN, if the applications take 60 seconds to
fallback to the other address they were already broken.  Go complain
to your application vendor.  Some vendors have already fixed this
problem with their applications.
The question was about *enterprise* deployment, which raises two issues:

1) most vendors are waiting for customer IPv6 demand before
implementing support (or fixing bugs) - chicken and egg problem.
I'm wondering what you mean by most vendors? an enterprise switch/router/firewall/os vendor without ipv6 support has some explaining to do.
2) I don't know many enterprises running production software less than
a year (or more) old.
Not sure what you even mean. if you have have an application that doesn't support for v6 don't publish AAAA records for it.
In the meantime, the network engineers struggling with this stuff need
workarounds (like the tuning parameters you and others have

Tunning dekstop operating systems is not the scalable side of enterprise network deployment.

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