On Mon, 21 Jan 2013 13:27:05 -0600, Michael Vallaly <na...@nolatency.com>
> Anyone have any good recommendations for an equipment cart to shuffle
> IT/Telco equipment around between an office/colo ?
> Id like something able to carry ~6 1U Dell servers at once, and maybe
> it over an elevator gap without a running start. Collapsible would also
> nice, if I can throw it in the back of a car once in a while is a big
> Thanks
> -Mike

Best cart I've had to date is a COSCO 12-301 ABL that I got from Lowes. 
Combined with ratchet straps and a set of tailgate ramps I've moved
everything from 5U servers to large Cisco 7609S' and ASR9010's with it. 
The selling feature for this aside from the cart/hand truck conversion
ability and 1000lb capacity was the fact that it has pneumatic tires which
helps keep the ride a little more smooth when you're rolling equipment out
to a vehicle.



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