NANOGers -

 If you are going to be at NANOG 57 in Orlando, then please note that ARIN will 
be holding a
 Public Policy Consultation (PPC) there regarding several number resource 
policy proposals
 and you are very much encouraged to participate and make your views on these 
 known.  Your NANOG 57 registration includes attending the ARIN Public Policy 
 onsite if you so desire to do so.

 As ARIN's Public Policy Consultations are open to all, it is also possible to 
attend  _just_
 the PPC without charge, either in person or remotely.  One needs to register 
separately to
 just participate in the public policy consultation, and this registration does 
not provide you
 entry to any other NANOG programming or social events. This is not likely to 
be relevant
 to many folks on this list (since I'll be seeing most of you onsite at NANOG 
57!) but if you
 are going to be remotely watching NANOG 57, please take note and register for 
the ARIN
 PPC if you intend on participating in that session (and details are available 
in the attached

 I'd like to take a moment to thank NANOG's Executive Director Betty Burke and 
 Planning Committee for making possible the ARIN Public Policy Consultation @ 


John Curran
President and CEO

Begin forwarded message:

From: ARIN <<>>
Subject: [arin-ppml] Register Now for ARIN Public Policy Consultation @ NANOG 57
Date: January 15, 2013 5:17:30 AM HST

Registration is now open for ARIN's first Public Policy Consultation
(PPC), which will be held during NANOG 57 in Orlando, FL on 5 February
2013 at the Renaissance Orlando at Seaworld. The PPC is part of ARIN's
new Policy Development Process, and it is an open public discussion of
Internet number resource policy. Registered NANOG 57 attendees do not
need to register to participate in this session. ARIN welcomes members
of the NANOG community who will not be in Orlando to register as remote

If you plan to attend and are not registered for NANOG you must register
for the PPC at the URL below.  There is no registration fee for this
90-minute session, and it does not provide you entry to any other NANOG
programming or social events.

Learn more at

Current policy proposals up for discussion at this meeting are:

* ARIN-2012-2: IPv6 Subsequent Allocations Utilization Requirement -
* ARIN-prop-182 Update Residential Customer Definition to not exclude
wireless as Residential Service -
* ARIN-prop-183 Section 8.4 Transfer enhancement-

The PPC will also include a Policy Experience Report and Open Microphone.

ARIN will offer a webcast, live transcript, and Jabber chat options for
remote participants. Registered remote participants can submit comments
and questions to the discussions during the meeting. Register to attend
in person or remotely today! Visit


Communications and Member Services
American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)

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