its not that black/white. The ITU-R is actually -very- useful and does a really good job of coordinating spectrum use and has for many years. The ITU-T, however is questionable. It is possible to fund by sector, so a blanket defunding for the entire ITU, as outlined in this petition, is a huge mistake.
/bill On Sat, Jan 12, 2013 at 07:03:57PM -0800, Bill Woodcock wrote: > > Please consider signing this petition: > > > > biotic fight. Note that if the U.S. pulls its funding from the ITU, that's > 10%, and if all of the countries that stood with us at the WCIT do so, that > would be 74% of the ITU's member revenue. Those of us who support the > Internet are paying for three-quarters of the fight against the Internet. As > Smokey the Bear would say, only WE can prevent stupidity. As Pogo Possum > said, "We have met the enemy, and the enemy is us!" Time to correct that. > Redirect $11M/year from the ITU to Internet governance organizations like the > IETF. > > -Bill > > > >