> > Don't most browsers accept all cookies by default without asking the
> > user?

> no idea, but i think most browsers today block at least third party
> cookies by default.

Most browsers accept any and all cookies by default.

Many browsers can be configured into three states (1) accept anything (2) 
reject third-party cookies (3) reject all cookies.

Many browsers can be configured to specifically accept or reject by domain (or 
have an add-in to do that) and the default can be either accept or (if reject) 
can nag you whether to accept/reject and remember that choice.

Advertizing agency browsers (such as the Android Advertizing Platform) default 
to accept and send anything to anyone, and you have the choice to either (1) 
accept and send anything to anyone or (2) accept and send only to the 
Advertizing Agency.

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