On 10/01/13 17:15, Karl Auer wrote:
> On Wed, 2013-01-09 at 21:14 -0600, Otis L. Surratt, Jr. wrote:
>> FYI - I have a PTR for all IPs. Just general practice.
> All IPs actually in use, or all possible IPs in a network? If the
> latter, then it's not gunna fly for IPv6. Not at all. Not unless you
> synthesise the responses - in which case there is no point to requiring
> them anyway.
> Regards, K.

$GENERATE, as someone else pointed out, solves that problem for you?
(Does it scale for IPv6? I can't recall - but surely this could be
scripted too.)

I though the point of doing so was to establish with some degree of
accuracy that there were 'real people' behind the administration of said
IP, and that there was a somewhat increased level of accountability as a
result - which suggests there is infact a point.

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