----- Original Message -----
> Once upon a time, Randy Carpenter <rcar...@network1.net> said:
> > Likewise OS vendors are increasingly dropping support for
> > installing OSes via serial port (RHEL, VMWare, etc.)
> > 
> > At leaset with RHEL, you can make your own boot image that gets rid
> > of the asinine splash screen (which is the only thing that causes
> > the requirement for a full VGA console)
> RHEL installs with a serial console just fine.  You also don't have
> to
> "make your own boot image" to get a non-graphical boot.

Probably a bit off topic for this thread, but...

If I boot the default install disc/image on any of my servers (mostly 
Supermicro), it hangs at a blank screen when isolinux loads. If you get rid of 
the splash screen, it works fine. This has been an issue since RHEL4, I think.

Maybe other server manufacturers handle the video a little differently, and are 
able to get past the splash screen.


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