We use mailfoundry internally ourselves, but I have a customer who has been 
raving about mimecast for years and I am on the verge of switching over to them.


-----Original Message-----
From: Erik Soosalu [mailto:erik.soos...@calyxinc.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2013 9:27 AM
To: Paul Stewart; nanog@nanog.org
Subject: RE: Postini Exiting ISP Business?

I am an enterprise guy, but we've been running MS Forefront Online Protection 
for Exchange for a number of years with very few issues (that aren't determined 
by flags/polices we've set).  The few issues that we have had have been with 
delayed SMTP handoffs between Hostopia (Bell's backend provider) and FOPE, but 
I haven't had reports of that for a couple of years.

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Stewart [mailto:p...@paulstewart.org]
Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2013 8:51 AM
To: nanog@nanog.org
Subject: Postini Exiting ISP Business?

Hey there.


We have been using Postini for a number of years as our anti-spam/anti-virus 
protection for customer email accounts.


Mid last year we received a notice from Google that "In 2013, we plan to 
transition your Postini services to Google Apps for Business." 


As part of this notice we were also told "You don't need to make any changes to 
your Postini service or sign up for a Google Apps account. Your Postini service 
will continue as usual until your migration begins. We will be in touch at 
least 60 days before your renewal date."


In mid November, Google sent us a letter that stated that we had until the end 
of 2013 to basically get off their service or to contact their preferred 
partner (Tech Excel) and migrate to Google Apps with them.


Recently we have now been told in email by someone at Postini that we "must 
transition ASAP" and that we really only had til the end of 2012.
talk about confusing.. Not a great way to treat a long term customer!


Anyone else getting the complete "run around" by Postini?  We are fine with 
leaving them, especially now.  Having said that, I'm interested in hearing 
about competitive solutions either in appliances or in cloud based - this is
*not* an invitation for sales people to call me please.






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