Racktables does support IPv6.


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On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 9:54 AM, Eric A Louie <elo...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Racktables = no IPv6.  Bummer, and it does more than what I need.
> Netdot looks very interesting.  It didn't show up when I searched for
> "IPAM".
> I'll have to evaluate it, to see if it does any kind of wireless
> documentation
> (frequency, modulation, etc)
> Any Netdot users out there who want to comment?
>  Much appreciated, Eric
> ________________________________
> From: Nick Hilliard <n...@foobar.org>
> To: Aftab Siddiqui <aftab.siddi...@gmail.com>
> Cc: Eric A Louie <elo...@yahoo.com>; NANOG Operators' Group <
> nanog@nanog.org>
> Sent: Thu, December 13, 2012 2:25:10 AM
> Subject: Re: IP Address Management IPAM software for small ISP
> On 13/12/2012 10:10, Aftab Siddiqui wrote:
> > nevertheless, IPPlan, PHPIP, PHPIPAM are good enough as per the need. The
> > first one I assume should serve your purpose for both v4 and v6.
> I've had a lot more success with Racktables and Netdot, both of which are
> really good at what they do.  Racktables in particular.
> Nick

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