On 12/14/2012 11:11 PM, eric-l...@truenet.com wrote:
It's been about 2 years in since I've heard about the concept, and honestly
I'm about ready to jump into test environments at my house. My questions
are pretty basic, what distro would you recommend for a controller, and
should I start by virtualizing in VMWare or HyperV or jump into some cheap
Linksys WRT routers.  The more I hear about the tech from colleges, Google,
BigSwitch, etc is leaning me to really start learning, so any help would

OpenFlow is a big arena.  Do you know what you want to do with it?

If you're looking to write your own intelligence, I recommend the OpenFlow tutorial at http://www.openflow.org/wk/index.php/OpenFlow_Tutorial . It helps you get started in a virtual environment, and introduces you to a number of controller platforms.


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