Mikael Abrahamsson <swm...@swm.pp.se> writes:
> On Tue, 27 Nov 2012, mike wrote:
>> You're saying there are no cellular v6 deployments? I'm about 99%
>> certain that you're wrong. I see v6 addresses in my apache logs all
>> the time and they're almost definitely while they're not on wifi (my
>> site uploads gps data while people are skiing, so they're usually on
>> cellular).
> I am in Europe. None of Apple och Microsoft mobile devices will do
> IPv6 on the mobile side.

They won't do maps either. Does that mean that maps don't exist?
Try to keep device bugs and network deployment issues separate.

> I don't know if they do special versions for
> the US market, but for general 3GPP networks, it doesn't work.

IPv6 work just fine in 3GPP networks.  Also in Europe.


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