+1 :)

Erik Bais <eb...@a2b-internet.com> schreef:You could contact Solid Optics in 
The Netherlands.

Contact : wouter AT solid-optics.eu 

Erik Bais

Verstuurd vanaf mijn iPad

Op 17 nov. 2012 om 22:20 heeft "Brant I. Stevens" 
<bra...@networking-architecture.com> het volgende geschreven:

> Please forgive the cross-post, but figured this was the best way to reach
> my target audiences.  I am onsite and in need of:
> -8 10GbE Single-Mode SFP's.
> -4 10GbE Single-Mode XFPs.
> If you have them available for sale, that would be great, but pointing us
> in the direction of where to obtain them in-country, quickly, would be very
> useful as well.
> Regards,
> - Brant
> aim:branto

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