I, uh...don't actually know how to do that. I've not done very much with
SNMP other than working with power management devices. If someone could
direct me to a good tutorial, that would be much appreciated.


On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 12:31 PM, Chris Boot <bo...@bootc.net> wrote:

> On 18/10/12 15:12, Joe Hamelin wrote:
>> On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 7:00 AM, Jonathan Rogers<quantumf...@gmail.com>
>>   wrote:
>>  I like the idea of looking at the ARP table periodically, but this
>>> presents
>>> some possible issues for us.
>> Is it just WAPs that you are worried about or any rouge device at the
>> remote sites?  If you're doing medical data then I would think that any
>> non-company device would be suspect.  If that is the case then ARP
>> scraping
>> is the better way.  Basically you need an inventory of what is at the
>> sites.  This you should already have and if you don't, that is your first
>> step.
>> A bit of perl and expect scripting would get you a long way to your goal.
>>   Like I mentioned before, if you don't have the time/talent to script the
>> task, call out for a coder-for-hire.
> You should be able to get the ARP table off a router using SNMP, which
> would be much cleaner than using expect to login to a router's management
> interface...
> HTH,
> Chris

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