NANOG Community -

    The NRO NC (also known as the ASO AC) Election is open to NANOG meeting 
    your participation will help select representatives from this region who 
will work on number
    policy coordination on a global basis, as well help in the selection of 
representatives to
    various ICANN bodies, including the ICANN Board.

    Please take a moment to review the attached materials and vote when you 
have a moment.

Thank you!

John Curran
President and CEO

Begin forwarded message:

From: ARIN <<>>
Subject: [arin-announce] NRO NC Election Opens Today
Date: October 17, 2012 9:52:19 AM EDT
To: <<>>

The polls are now open for the election to fill the one open seat on the Number 
Resource Organization Number Council (NRO NC) from the ARIN region. The polls 
close at 5:00 PM ET, 24 October.

Brief candidate biographies and a link to submit or view statements of support 
are posted on ARIN's website at:

Designated Member Representatives (DMRs), NANOG Meeting attendees, and ARIN 
Meeting attendees are eligible to vote. NANOG or ARIN attendees must have 
registered for their meeting by 10 October 2012 to be eligible to vote.

To vote, visit ARIN Election Headquarters and click on the Vote button.

You can read instructions on how to cast your vote at:

Voters must cast and confirm their ballots by 5:00 PM ET, 24 October. A 
compilation of Candidate questionnaire responses in PDF is available at:

If you have any questions about voting or encounter problems with the system, 
please contact ARIN Member Services at<>.


Communications and Member Services
American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)

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