On 10/16/12, Randy Bush <ra...@psg.com> wrote: >> First off, I'm using djbdns internally and it doesn't support AAAA >> records. So we really aren't using it internally. > if the clutch in my car is broken, should i stop using vehicles? > dump djbdns or get some diehard to tell you how to fix it.
Ah, but the clutch is not actually broken; it works perfectly, and it is a very robust clutch, not likely to break, it's just that the car was designed, so you need a wrench with you while at all times while driving, to actuate the clutch, and you need a screwdriver onhand as well to adjust gears. They have a raw record format, that allows you to enter a raw record into your tinydns data file, containing anything, including AAAA data. However, djbdns also lacks support for DNSSEC validation. the stock package 1.05, when installed on a 64-bit OS, contained an unpatched security vulnerability. The car was also designed with no electric ignition switch, and no headlights. You want to start your car, you need a manual crank. It's "good enough"; but probably the time comes soon to retire it. Electronic ignitions and headlights became the 'standard' a long time ago, but the car design was never improved to include the features (not necessarily an easy feat) -- meanwhile, the person in charge of maintaining the design; spent many hours writing essays about the problem of light pollution caused by headlights, insisting that road lights instead would be better, and calling up issues about the extra weight and space required for batteries, danger of batteries leaking, or failing, leaving motorists stranded, etc, thus spending time not updating the design to incorporate beneficial, new standards. > randy -- -JH