On Oct 6, 2012, at 2:35 PM, Barry Shein <b...@world.std.com> wrote, in part:
> We can map from host names to ip addresses to routing actions, right?
> So clearly they're not unrelated or independent variables. There's a
> smooth function from hostname->ipaddr->routing.

I would suggest that this is a bit optimistic and oversimplified.  

The mapping between DNS names and IP addresses is not necessarily unique or 
commutative. One may change either arbitrarily, as long some "directory 
service" exists which contains the current mapping.  In addition, multiple DNS 
names may map to one or more IP addresses and IP addresses do not necessarily 
map to unique routes or DNS names. These are not smooth functions.

If names and addresses are not independent, then any change in either would 
predicate a change in the another.  That is apparently not the experience of 
most network providers.  The only action required for a change in network name 
or address is to update the "directory service" used to map between name and 

> Is this a good use of DNS computrons? Answering DNS inquiries for
> every new connection for every single-routed host on the internet?

Yes, it is.  Most "new" connections are repeats of previous connections (I 
request mail from my IMAP servers several times each day) and the preponderance 
of caching resolvers make the effort and traffic trivial. Even in the absence 
of cached final DNS reply, putting the lookup burden on the end system rather 
than the "routing engines" should be a no-brainer.

In particular, adding caching of connection destinations within routing 
components would not only seriously burden (read, slow down) routing engines 
but is also a violation of the Stupid Network.  David S Isenberg said, "In a 
Stupid Network, control passes from the center to the edge".  See 
http://www.isen.com/papers/Dawnstupid.html, originally published as the cover 
story of ACM Networker 2.1, February/March 1998, pp. 24-31. 

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