On Sep 27, 2012, at 8:58 AM, Darius Jahandarie <djahanda...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I recall 40Gbit/s Ethernet being promoted heavily for similar reasons
> as the ones in this article, but then 100Gbit/s being the technology
> that actually ended up in most places. Could this be the same thing
> happening?

I would say yes, except for the physics involved here.  Getting the signal done 
optically is the "easy" part.

I'm not concerned if the next step after 100 is 400.  It's in the right 
direction and a fair multiple.  There is also a problem in the 100GbE space 
where the market pricing hasn't yet reached an amount whereby the economics are 
"close enough" to push people beyond N*10G.

- Jared

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