The only problem I've ever run into is with IP geo-location providers using the 
country of origin of the original assignments to determine the locale of the 
IP.  Major CDN providers and content owners then use these geo-location 
providers to provide geography specific content or for content localization.
A problem we saw at GC when using our ARIN space in APAC (which I realize is 
the inverse of your situation) is that our enterprise customers often got 
redirected to a cloud server in the United States rather than in their 
originating country, and this was in spite of their block being SWIP'd out to 
them in that country.

It's conceivable that you could have some sort of similar problem depending on 
the nature of your project and how you are planning to use their IP's.


-----Original Message-----
From: Brandon Wade [] 
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2012 5:58 PM
Subject: Announcing APNIC IP's in ARIN region


I was wondering if there are any problems originating APNIC IP's in the ARIN 
region through transit providers? I have a Singapore-based prospect who would 
like to do business with us, but I'm not sure if I'll run into problems 
originating their IP's in the US - which were assigned to them from APNIC.

Best regards,
Brandon Wade

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