On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 9:24 PM, Masataka Ohta < mo...@necom830.hpcl.titech.ac.jp> wrote:
> > A single counter example is enough to deny IPv6 operational. > > Really? If that is really your opinion, the entire conversation is a rather moot point as I believe you and "pretty much the rest of the world" (again, including all those who helped develop and have deployed / are deploying IPv6) are not in agreement. *Not saying popularity equals correctness, just that there is a sizable counter-point to your statement. * Yes, the goal should be to minimize the "special cases" but there will always some of those. That is what the ~"IPv6 over Foo" series of documents is all about, accommodating those needs ... A "single counter example" is *only *enough to say that IPv6 does not *currently/ideally* fit *that* deployment scenario and that, just perhaps, *that deployment* needs some special consideration(s) on the part of IPv6. It does not, in any way, invalidate the protocol as a whole. Let me ask, in your opinion: Is the "better and easier" answer here to start from scratch, or to identify the problem(s) and simply fix it(them) if warranted? /TJ