Are we still talking about this? I setup a lan at home once at that used 6/8 :)
On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 6:17 PM, Christopher Morrow < > wrote: > On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 5:10 PM, John Levine <> wrote: > >>And someone should further alert him that they do not "own" these > addresses. > > > > MIT is probably using less of their /8 than MOD is, and as far as I > > know, MIT has neither commando forces nor nuclear weapons. > > > > You might want to pick, so to speak, your battles more carefully. > > more over, who cares? a /8 is less than 2 months rundown globally... > and, once upon a time I constructed on this list a usecase for apple's > /8 ... it's really not THAT hard to use a /8, it's well within the > capabilities of a gov't to do so... especially given they PROBABLY > have: > o unclassified networks > o secret networks > o top secret networks > o other networks > > I'm sure there's plenty of ways they could use the space in question. > >