On 9/18/2012 11:01 AM, Beeman, Davis wrote:
Orbits may not be important to this calculation, but just doing some quick head 
math, I believe large skyscrapers could already have close to this 
concentration of addresses, if you reduce them down to flat earth surface area. 
 The point here is that breaking out the math based on the surface area of the 
earth is silly, as we do not utilize the surface of the earth in a flat 

Davis Beeman

On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 11:27:04AM -0700, Owen DeLong wrote:

What technology are you planning to deploy that will consume more than 2 
addresses per square cm?
Easy. Think volume (as in: orbit), and think um^3 for a functional
computers ;)
I meant real-world application.

Orbits are limited due to the required combination of speed and altitude. There 
are a limited number of achievable altitudes and collision avoidance also 
creates interesting problems in time-slotting for orbits which are not 

Geostationary orbits are currently limited to one object per degree of earth 
surface, and even at 4x that, you could give every satellite a /48 and still 
not burn through a /32.


What about network-based objects outside of our orbit? If we're talking about IPv6 in the long-term, I think we have to assume we'll have networked devices on the moon or at other locations in space.


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