-----Original Message-----
From: Jay Ashworth [mailto:j...@baylink.com] 
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2012 11:44 AM
Subject: Re: Big Temporary Networks

----- Original Message -----
> From: "George Herbert" <george.herb...@gmail.com>

> I know someone who did Interop's networking for a number of years and 
> does it for various non-Worldcon conventions. His short summary was to 
> stage and label and debug and test extensively beforehand, even if the 
> reassembly might introduce more bugs in the field.

Excellent advice.

But how do you load a wireless network and an uplink with 12-14k attachments 
for testing purposes?  I can see how to test the uplink, but testing the WLAN 
seems ... well, next to impossible, to me, which is why I'm querying the list.


-- jra

I'm not sure if this is obvious for this list or not, but with your WiFi nodes, 
a good practice for that kind of density is more nodes, lower power. Keep the 
client connection load per AP as low as possible to improve overall 
performance. Jacking up the power in a small area like that will just step on 
the adjacent APs and cause issues.


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