On Fri, 07 Sep 2012 20:44:44 -0400, Basil Baby said:
> Hmm... Even though similar issue was identified in 2003, looks like still
> there are devices in market with those old firmwares or similar
> behavior. sheesh !! :(
A long long time ago in a network far far away, one of our campus NTP servers
was a machine under my desk.  That machine was shut down
around 2002/06/30 22:49 and we didn't re-assign the IP address ever since
*because* it kept getting hit with NTP packets..  Yes, a decade ago.

A few months ago I ran a test of how many things were still using it. In the
first 15 minutes, 234 different IP's tried to NTP to that address, which has
been a black hole for a decade.  After 3 hours, I had almost 2,000 IPs.

Interestingly enough, the *hostname* is still in use (by another machine under
my desk) - and it gets near zero hits.  So it's all hardcoded IP addrs not

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