I recommend TekSavvy (www.teksavvy.com) as a DSL reseller pretty much anywhere in Ontario (and any other provinces they can get service in). Not sure why they're not on that CLEC list, but they're a pretty big (and awesome) provider up here. For bonus points, if you have to call their support line, you get someone who actually knows something about networking. We have some DSL lines through them at work, and my personal home cable connection is through them as well.

- Pete

On 12-09-06 02:33 PM, chris wrote:

I have a client in the ottawa ontario canada area who is looking at DSL for
a secondary connection. I am pretty unfamiliar with the state of telecom
industry in Canada, I googled around and found this rather lengthy list of


Does anyone have any good experiences with any of these carriers that
service the Ottawa they could share?

Also would be an added plus if they supported MLPPP as the client mentioned
they were concerned with the lower speeds of DSL, so we would love to do
two circuits with MLPPP if possible


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