Thanks about every ones speech in this topic but I think I can not describe my problem clearly, let me explain it some how more: You know I have two kind of ADSL services, Limited and Unlimited. Limited Like: 512Kb-4GB-3Month 1024Kb-4GB-3Month 2048Kb-6GB-3Month 4096Kb-8GB-3Month
Unlimited Like: 128Kb-1Month 256Kb-1Month and etc. But when a customer is in our sales department they do not know he will download more or he will have a normal usage? Is he heavy peer-to-peer service downloader or not he is a doctor that he want to check his emails only, and he want this service always. Our problem cause midnights because in the middle of the night in 2:00 AM till 8:00 AM and at this time we do not have any traffic counting for users. Means they can download free at this time, and if we buy more bandwidth only for this time for users it will be unusable in other times like mornings. I want a logical way to solve this problem technically or sales techniques, We must control users usage and I can not do any thing to them they love free-times and they want to download, but they are going to make me ran out of bandwidth that time, so what about that doctor? and his emails? You know no manager will accept increasing bw only for nights :D Thanks On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 9:51 AM, Mikael Abrahamsson <>wrote: > On Wed, 22 Aug 2012, Sean Harlow wrote: > > As far as I can tell, the actual cost of the bits being transferred is so >> minuscule as to be practically irrelevant for anyone who's not at the scale >> to be dealing directly with Tier 1 carriers. Capacity costs money, but >> once it's there utilization is nothing. >> > > The problem the OP is probably dealing with is an incumbant who they are > buying capacity from at hugely inflated prices, so all of a sudden the cost > of capacity is a significant part of total operating cost. > > There are still markets in the world where a megabit/s of capacity can > cost hundreds of dollars per month (even when buying tens of them). This is > usually due to politics and/or law and thus regulatory problems, but it's > still a situation some have to operate in. > > -- > Mikael Abrahamsson email: > > -- Regards, Shahab Vahabzadeh, Network Engineer and System Administrator Cell Phone: +1 (415) 871 0742 PGP Key Fingerprint = 8E34 B335 D702 0CA7 5A81 C2EE 76A2 46C2 5367 BF90