On Aug 21, 2012, at 16:22 , George Herbert <george.herb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 4:06 PM,  <goe...@anime.net> wrote:
>> On Tue, 21 Aug 2012, George Herbert wrote:
>>> On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 3:25 PM,  <valdis.kletni...@vt.edu> wrote:
>>>> On Tue, 21 Aug 2012 17:11:49 -0500, Grant Ridder said:
>>>>> I love spam from Honduras.  I am hoping that someone is going to kick
>>>>> this
>>>>> email from the members list.
>>>> I'm hoping for something a tad more drastic. The bozo has an upstream,
>>>> and this
>>>> is NANOG. :)
>>> Back when I was at Berkeley, we used to punish offenders by routing
>>> their packets out to Finland and back (before Finland's net admins
>>> figured out what we were doing and quite rightly complained).
>>> Does anyone have a very lightly used, long long low bandwidth link
>>> they can dedicate to The Cause?
>> I'm thinking wire cutters would be more effective.
>> -Dan
> No, no, no no.
> The objective is to maximize wasted spammer time.  The trick is to not
> just disconnect them - that happens every day, they just move on.
> It's to make their life irritating, painful, and less productive, to
> the point where time they'd be spending getting new business and
> working on new anti-filtering technology is spent corresponding with
> net providers and doing network quality checks, wondering if they
> should or have to bail out of a now flaky network.  With just the
> right mixture, you can waste five, ten, twenty times more of their
> time with a carefully engineered glitch than you can just chopping
> them off.
Reminds me of the cmd.exe CGI PERL script I wrote once...

I noticed I was constantly getting people trying to execute CMD.EXE on my
linux web server. So, instead of filling up my logs with 404s, I wrote a little
PERL script to send them a copy of the compiled 64-bit linux kernel
one octet at a time with 5 seconds between octets. It truly amazed me
how many of the bots would sit there patiently receiving dribs and drabs
of traffic until the entire 8+Mbyte kernel was transmitted.


  • Re: Grant Ridder
    • [no subject] valdis . kletnieks
      • Re: George Herbert
        • Re: Justin M. Streiner
        • Re: goemon
          • Re: George Herbert
            • Re: Robert E. Seastrom
              • Re: bross
                • RE: Jonathon Exley
            • Re: Owen DeLong
        • Re: Tim Franklin

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