Quality Union work! -----Original Message----- From: Miles Fidelman [mailto:mfidel...@meetinghouse.net] Sent: Monday, August 20, 2012 3:29 PM Cc: nanog@nanog.org Subject: Re: Verizon's New Repair Method: Plastic Garbage Bags
Justin M. Streiner wrote: > On Mon, 20 Aug 2012, Eric Wieling wrote: > >> For a while we have had a customer with some lines which go down >> every time it rains. We put in the trouble ticket, a couple of days >> later Verizon says the issue is resolved...until the next time it rains. >> >> The customer sent us some pictures today of the pole outside their >> office. The repair appears to be wrapping some plastic bags around >> something up on the pole. Here is link to the pictures the customer >> sent us, in case anyone in the mood for a good scare. >> >> http://rock.nyigc.net/verizon/ > > If I didn't see the loops of electrical tape holding the whole works > together I'd say that was a squirrel nest. > > The two aerial runs that appear to be using each other to turn a > corner (right above the plastic-and-electrical-tape mess in the top > picture) is an especially nice and creative touch. I sincerely hope > the smaller of the two aerials is not a lashing wire. > > jm"well *there's* your problem"s Hey looks totally professional to me. After all, black tape is the network engineer's equivalent of duck tape, and, as we all know, duck tape holds the universe together! -- In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is. .... Yogi Berra