On 8/15/2012 11:36 AM, TJ wrote:
On Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 9:55 AM, Leo Bicknell <bickn...@ufp.org> wrote:

In a message written on Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 10:46:52AM +0100, Stephen
Wilcox wrote:


 From the article:

] The address space was quarantined for six weeks before being returned to
] the RIPE NCC's available pool of IPv4 address space. It was then
] randomly reallocated to a new resource holder according to normal
] allocation procedures.
] As the RIPE NCC nears IPv4 exhaustion, it will reduce the quarantine
] period of returned address space accordingly to ensure that there is no
] more IPv4 address space available before the last /8 is reached. The
] RIPE NCC recognises that this shortened quarantine could lead to
] routability problems and offers its members assistance to reduce this.

While I understand that in the face of IPv4 exhaustion long quarantine
periods are probably no longer a good idea, I think 6 weeks is
shockingly short.  I also think to blanket apply the quarantine is
a little short sighted, there are cases that need a longer cooling
off period, and this may be one of them.

I think the RIPE membership, and indeed the policy making bodies
of all RIR's should look at their re-allocation policies with this
case in mind and see if a corner case like this doesn't present a
surprising result.

Correct me if I am wrong, but with RIPE's pool nearing exhaustion (in as
little as 3 weeks, depending upon who you ask and how you count) isn't this
sort of a moot point?  I suppose this block could have been moved to the
back of the list instead of randomly re-allocated, but would a few more
weeks really have helped?


Perhaps it should not have been re-allocated at all, rather than cause
the unsuspecting allocatee trouble they would not have seen from
clean(er) space.

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