
That's like saying if it were easy to fly we'd all be pilots, which isn't true either. BGP would need to be completely redesigned/replaced before it could possibly be automated to that level much less implemented by the Lynksis/DLink/Netgear/$yourfavoritesohorouter vendor. Business would need a reason to implement BGP and most simply don't AND BGP would have to be dramatically simpler and safer. Operators already have to be deeply involved (AKA filtering the announced networks) with edge network BGP implementations to prevent someone from announcing they're the preferred route for some other organization's netblock. This happens already on occasion and all of the people who run routers speaking BGP are generally professionals.

On 8/6/2012 4:27 PM, Owen DeLong wrote:
Respectfully, I disagree... I think this is a causal chain...

1.      Lack of cost-effective BGP-based service means that
2.      CPE vendors are not motivated to provide self-configuring bgp-speaking 
routers to behave in this manner means that
3.      SMBs seek other solutions using available CPE technology.

If cost-effective BGP-based service were available, providers would likely work 
with CPE vendors to get automation features added to products to support such 
services and multihomed organizations would definitely want to use those 


On Aug 6, 2012, at 13:16 , Scott Helms <khe...@ispalliance.net> wrote:

Probability is much too strong IMO.  Most businesses don't even consider 
multi-homing and many that do use NAT devices with several connections rather 
than trying to run BGP.

#not associated nor do I recommend, just an example


This ignores the probability that cost effective BGP service availability would
strongly drive demand for AS Numbers and adoption of the technology.


Scott Helms
Vice President of Technology
(678) 507-5000

Scott Helms
Vice President of Technology
(678) 507-5000

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